Painting > Mirrors

Gwendolyn Zabicki, Gwen Zabicki, Gwendolyn Zabicki painting, Gwen Zabicki painting, Gwen Zabicki art, Gwendolyn Zabicki art, Gwen Zabicki artist, Gwen Zabicki artist, Gwen Zabicki Chicago, Gwendolyn Zabicki Chicago
Erotic Puzzle
oil on canvas
16in x 20in

When I was in kindergarten I used to go to Joshua’s house after school. They were strange people, Joshua’s family. I knew this because they had a large bowl of loose candy cigarettes sitting on their dining room table as a centerpiece. Candy cigarettes are pretty bottom rung candy and without the packaging, they’re hardly any fun at all. One day Joshua said to me, “I want to show you something.” We went into his parents room and he pulled back the quilt. Underneath their bed was a large erotic puzzle. We just stood there and stared at it. I thought some day when I’m older this will make sense to me, but still even today I have questions that will never be answered. Was the puzzle something they worked on together? Was this some kind of slow-paced, boring foreplay?